Journal for your thoughts…

We write every day. We make lists, we make reminders—but are we saying enough? Are we expressing enough?

Every day we make observations and insights. Why not write those down? We have very interesting thoughts, we also have lots of feelings. Maybe getting those items out of our heads and onto paper is cathartic.

Often we find ourselves misunderstanding our own thoughts or situations that we are in. Journaling is a way to document our wins and losses, our achievements and our struggles.

What you can expect from journaling?

An enhanced version of yourself. A deeper, more aware, more able version of yourself. You can expect enhanced mental clarity and improvement of your problem solving abilities. Your journal is your best friend, your inexpensive therapist and your diary.

Journaling is an opportunity to clear your mind. From personal experience, I can tell you that it is so liberating having a place to dump my thoughts and feelings. I gain a fresh perspective almost every time my thoughts touch paper.

Your journal is 100% yours. It is one of the few places in this world where the spotlight is always on you. Share as much or as little as you’d like. Your journal is a place to share your thoughts and feelings. These are not thoughts and feelings you can necessarily share aloud.

Sometimes, when we begin this pen to paper release, we start to see our thoughts more clearly and from new perspectives. Perhaps you’ve been feeling ashamed or confused and are not sure where these emotions are stemming from. This is a great journaling opportunity… Even if you do not find the answers, you will at the least feel better in expressing what you’ve been holding in.

Journaling is a great way to clear mental clutter. When we have many items circling around our minds it is often difficult for us to be productive. If we write it all out, we may be able to move forward in a more efficient way. I know this is true for me, and something tells me this is true for you too.

Journaling might mean having a dialogue with yourself. This is totally okay. Sometimes we need to have conversations with ourselves to draw insight that we may have otherwise missed. The insight you will draw from a conversation with yourself is invaluable, you cannot find it anywhere else.

And hey, there’s no right or wrong way to journal. Maybe you only have time to make a bullet list, or to jot down a few sentences. That’s totally okay! Do what you can, when you can.

If any part of you feels compelled to journal, DO IT! Grab a journal ASAP and get going. You won’t regret it. Here are a few great options that will easily fit in your everyday bag:







Here are some pens too, no excuses!





