Naomi Root

  If you can’t beat the heat, join it Sweltering summer days are finally here and everyone is melting, hoorayyyy. Some of you may have purchased one of those trendy solar hat fans. Others are weighing the cost and reward of carrying dry ice packs in their bags.  What am I doing? I’m reading up on [...]

  First and foremost, feminism is trendy because it’s important. Equality is a must and we’re not quite there yet. Tons of celebrities have publicly identified as feminists: Beyoncé, Miley Cyrus, Lena Dunham, Oprah, Emma Watson and the list goes on and on. Rihanna and A$AP Rocky recently sported a Dior T-shirt that read: “We Should [...]

A one stop shop for so many of your skincare needs Jojoba oil is EVERYTHING! Why isn’t everyone and their mothers talking about this? Despite what you may have heard, oil is actually good for you and your skin! I discovered Jojoba Oil after using Korres Wild Rose Advanced Brightening and Nourishing Face Oil, 1.01 [...]

The Essentials. Including a few expected and a few unexpected items. It’s almost that time of year again. Time to analyze our summer clothing and accessories. Time to weed out those dingy last-season trends and check to make sure we’re well equipped with essentials for the new season. No wardrobe is complete without the essentials, [...]

When you want so badly to be tan, but for so many reasons you can’t bear to lay out in the sun and bake. We get it, and we have a tried and true solution. Sun tanning is bad for you plain and simple. The sun radiates light to the earth, yadda yadda yadda. A portion of [...]

Let’s talk about jeans baby, let’s talk about you and me… Let’s talk about everything that’s wrong with jeans and why we sometimes hate them so much. If you haven’t had an issue finding the right pair of jeans, then you’re a liar! Gotcha! Liar, liar, pants on fire. Jeans are a staple in everyone’s [...]

Your bag is not your home, it is not your bathroom, it is not your refrigerator, and it is not your piggy bank… I’m always seeing articles about the items we must have in our bags at all times. “21 Items Every Woman Should Have In Her Purse,” “15 Tools Every Girly Girl Needs In [...]

Raise your hand if you can relate to the following statement about your overstuffed wardrobe: “Ugh, I have nothing to wear. Ugh, I can’t find my _________ and my _________ is wrinkly/has a stain/is too small/is too big/isn’t cool anymore/was never cool/is uncomfortable…” For those of you that raised your hands: WELCOME TO WARDROBE BOOT CAMP [...]

And why would you go back? They’re incredible. Essential oils are a recent addition to my beauty regimen. Not in a trendy way, but in a real, here to stay, type of way. Months ago, if you asked me to use an oil product for beauty purposes I’d run in the opposite direction. In the past [...]
