Naomi Root

Journal for your thoughts… We write every day. We make lists, we make reminders—but are we saying enough? Are we expressing enough? Every day we make observations and insights. Why not write those down? We have very interesting thoughts, we also have lots of feelings. Maybe getting those items out of our heads and onto [...]

  It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Amazon Prime Day! Basically a universal Christmas for Amazon Prime members #coexist Amazon Prime Day’s 3rd annual day of deals is just a few days away! The event officially begins at 9pm EST (6pm PST) on Monday July 10th- and and will run until 3am (12am PST) [...]

What the heck does ‘diversity’ really mean?  Diversity is among the most beautiful qualities of humankind. Yes, I’m talking difference in race and religion, but I’m mostly referring to the existence of differences in general. So often we confuse diversity with culture or ethnicity, but diversity is so much larger than that. What is diversity? [...]

Bargain Hunting Makes My World Go Round I’ll be honest. If I walk into a store like Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, even Marshalls, basically any store… the first place I go is the sale section. I can’t help it. I think this tendency is a combination of how I was raised + my own history of getting [...]

Let’s talk about fashion, getting dressed and being stylish Ya know that person who’s always like, “Stop worrying about what other people think about your outfit, it’s fine…” Can that person just stop, because we do care. We can pretend that we don’t, but we all do and we all know it. I’ll say it [...]

Shhhh it’s a secret Confessions of a chick who’s tried all the DIYs because she can’t afford every hot new product that hits the shelves. I’m about to share with you my top 3 beauty secrets. Ready? Face Oils    Stop, don’t do that. Don’t do that thing where you shake your head because you [...]

Let’s talk about the juice cleanse fad Here’s what I’m thinking… Is there an alternative to juice cleanses? I just watched my friend (let’s call her X) do a 3-day juice cleanse and I’m horrified at the torture she endured. I’m pretty familiar with juice cleanses, but I’ve never actually had a friend do one. [...]

This might be you: “What should I have for breakfast? I have a long day ahead of me and I am so not in the mood for eggs again…” Is this you? If so, smoothies are almost always the answer. I love smoothies because they’re energizing and filling. They can be extremely beneficial to your [...]

The sun is hot, drinks are cold and we’re tempted to tan… HOLD ON A SEC! Hopefully we’re are all aware of the sun’s ability to seriously damage our skin. If not, surprise! The sun is a flaming monster ball. That temporary tan you look forward to all year may not be worth the risks… [...]

  Evidence-Based Case Study: Sleep/Loungewear Cardigans, Proven to be ESSENTIAL!  Proven by me, that is… I am officially introducing cardigans to the loungewear/sleepwear section of our wardrobes. How and why? This wardrobe addition was introduced for one reason: Necessity. The story: I have a cardigan that my mother once gave me. It’s so cute and [...]

Funky and unique DIY gifts that don’t cost much at all We all know that feeling… you have to give a gift, but you don’t really have any ideas of what to give, you don’t want to spend a fortune, and you don’t want to give something that this person may already own. So what [...]
