I’m done with greatest potential Let’s talk about this idea of reaching our greatest potential. Ughhhh. How often do we hear people discussing upward mobility, or success, or something about reaching one’s greatest potential? I hear this a lot in my social circle, in my family, in my classrooms. I’ve discussed success and potential with my [...]

Most of us want to have healthy hair. After all, the first thing people likely notice on a girl is her hair. It is one of the most feminine parts of a girl’s body. Neglected hair is a sign that a girl doesn’t really work on her beauty (on the outside) and she doesn’t care [...]

Before I start, just so you know, it is not easy for me to talk about this, cause I am not proud of how I looked before. But I am proud of myself for deciding to change what I could. I decided to share this story with you, because you are not alone and there [...]

I was sitting one day at home, desperately dreaming of Nutella. We’ve all been there, right?I mean, who doesn’t love Nutella?! Since there weren’t any, I started thinking about making something sweet and creamy. I must admit, I can be lazy sometimes and that’s why I love recipes that are easy, don’t use too many [...]

Shhhh it’s a secret Confessions of a chick who’s tried all the DIYs because she can’t afford every hot new product that hits the shelves. I’m about to share with you my top 3 beauty secrets. Ready? Face Oils Stop, don’t do that. Don’t do that thing where you shake your head because you [...]

Let’s talk about the juice cleanse fad Here’s what I’m thinking… Is there an alternative to juice cleanses? I just watched my friend (let’s call her X) do a 3-day juice cleanse and I’m horrified at the torture she endured. I’m pretty familiar with juice cleanses, but I’ve never actually had a friend do one. [...]

The sun is hot, drinks are cold and we’re tempted to tan… HOLD ON A SEC! Hopefully we’re are all aware of the sun’s ability to seriously damage our skin. If not, surprise! The sun is a flaming monster ball. That temporary tan you look forward to all year may not be worth the risks… [...]

Summer, the favorite season for most of us, is here! Summer clothes, warm nights and even warmer days, cocktails, hanging out with friends – these are the things that we relate to summer. But, is there something more than just usual things you do during summer? Of course there is! Here are different kinds of [...]

If you opened this article, you must be curious. Either you don’t have a morning routine that works for you, and you want to improve it, or you don’t have one at all. Why are we going to talk about this topic? Because you deserve to be happy and successful. And, you need to take [...]

Whether you’ve seen the record-breaking film or not, Wonder Woman’s badass star Gal Gadot, with her chiseled cheekbones and powerful pout, is everywhere. We mere mortals may not be able to steal Princess Diana’s super powers, but we can steal her glow thanks to a rundown of all the hero products used by Gadot’s makeup [...]